Summary June 5th, 2008

Summary of the Board of Directors Meeting
June 5, 2008
Sunset Cove Restaurant


Present: Diane Batemarco, Patrick Callahan, Aurora Cruz, Ann-Marie Cutul, Maxine Grandison, Jodie Hopkins, Harriet Huang, Opal B. Lindsay, Srivalli Rao, Sara Rodgers, and Judith Rovenger

President Lindsay announced that most of the comments on the eight paper surveys returned were favorable of the Annual Conference, ranging from very good to excellent.
Comments included starting afternoon workshops earlier and securing more soundproof rooms. The online survey can be accessed from WLA’s home page. Lindsay asked Rao to send out an e-mail reminding those who attended the Conference to fill in the online evaluation. The general feed back from library colleagues has been positive.

Hopkins had tabulated the ballots for the proposed WLA 2008-2009 slate of officers and reported that there were 42 votes for Sharon Rothman as Vice President/President-Elect, 40 votes for Ann-Marie Cutul as Secretary and 40 votes for Edward Falcone as Treasurer.

Rodgers gave a financial overview of the Annual Conference. Total Income (registration and memberships) were $13,522.60 and Total Expenditures $12,679.30, creating a profit of $843.30. Hotel costs were $9,896.59, and speaker fees and honorariums $2,704.00. 129 members attended the Conference, 18 vendors, and 12 speakers. There were a total of 159 attendees.

Cutul noted that she will need to order more big envelopes and badges for next year’s conference. We will also need to find someone to replace Zielinski as registrar.

The Minutes from the April 24, 2008, Board of Directors meeting were approved (Rovenger/Batemarco).

                                                       Respectfully submitted by Ann-Marie Cutul